Change on the agenda at the 12th Rendezvous of the Loire Valley

Published on 18 December 2018 - Updated 30 January 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

A few weeks after the Rendezvous of the Loire Valley World Heritage 2018 is a good time to look back at this 12th edition, in pictures and figures, with discussions and discoveries taking centre-stage as always for the 440 participants who travelled to Tours to attend. This year's Rendezvous was also the opportunity to mark the twin changes in position at Mission Val de Loire, which now has a new President and Director!

A full turnout!

This biennial event provides a unique setting for getting together and discussing recent news and projects in progress or the pipeline across the Loire Valley World Heritage.  

And 28 November in Tours was no exception: all day long, experiences, knowledge and ideas were readily shared. Participants were able to find out about what has been or is being done to promote the Loire heritage. Through project stands, the book space and the 50|50 and 20|20 sessions, everyone had a chance to hear about the wealth and vitality of the Loire valley – a cultural living landscape – and to see it for themselves. A hugely eventful day ... with the foghorn sounding in the background! 

Photo album 

Rendez-vous du Val de Loire - 28/11/2018

This year the stakeholders' forum ran throughout the day, which maximised discussion time between visitors, exhibitors and speakers. A good crowd of participants flocked to the project stands in the morning ... which then stood rather empty in the afternoon as everyone headed to the 20|20 sessions taking place alongside, before a jam-packed audience! 

The buffet was also an enjoyable moment (...) and went down a treat among all the event-goers! Any “leftovers” were not wasted but given to charity.  

Retour sur 2 projets menés par la Mission Val de Loire en 2016-2018

  • News
  • News

In response to a proposal from its Scientific and Professional Board, Mission Val de Loire performed a study on the socio-economic value of Loire heritage and landscapes by choosing two pilot sites in each of the two regions. This drew on the experience of economic valuation of environmental amenities, by factoring in the well-being of individuals.
  • Manage
  • Management chart

Since 2015, Mission Val de Loire World Heritage, in partnership with the Urban Planning Agencies of the Tours Urban Area (ATU) and of the Region of Angers (AURA) has been providing local authorities of the UNESCO Loire Valley site with a programme of university workshops, "Habiter l’eau” in order to design and discuss the renewal of the Loire landscapes, with regard to new tourist, residential and agricultural uses. The 2017 and 2018 editions have seen the partnership increase to include the Établissement Public Loire and the Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition and have focused their work on the uses of the river area from the point of view of climate change.

Changes in the President and Director...

As stipulated in the articles of association, François Bonneau, President of the Centre-Val de Loire Region, handed the position of Mission Val de Loire President over to Christelle Morançais, President of Pays de La Loire Region, for the next three years. 

Pays de la Loire Region report: 


"This is a unique opportunity to strengthen inter-regional cooperation between the Pays de la Loire and Centre-Val de Loire Regions. One of the chief challenges is to know what we are going to pass on to our children in the years ahead."  

Christelle Morançais, President of the Pays de La Loire Region 


Tribute was paid to Isabelle Longuet, who had served as Director of Mission Val de Loire since 2010 before retiring this year. Bruno Marmiroli has been the new Director of Mission Val de Loire since September 2018.  

... are bringing about new guidelines.

These twin changes to Mission Val de Loire's management team come hand in hand with new guidelines for action for the years ahead. These guidelines follow along the same lines as those set out in the Management Plan, for which Mission Val de Loire is the leading authority. 

  • Finding out and disseminating the values of the site's listing, an acknowledged action to be continued
  • Sharing common values – Helping residents to make the territory their own, a dialogue to be developed
  • Making considerate, careful use of the River Loire – protecting and showcasing the listed territory
  • 20th anniversary of the listing: towards a new governance? Turning 20 in the Loire Valley, what paths travelled and what future?

These guidelines follow along the same lines as those set out in the Management Plan, for which Mission Val de Loire is the leading authority. 

And to conclude, the summary of the answers to the satisfaction survey!  

Download / View

Documents presenting the 50|50 sessions  

Document presenting the 20|20 sessions  

The web-series “Gens du Val de Loire” broadcast on screens during the Rendezvous   

Panels from the exhibitions  Pleasures of the Loire (1800-1970) 

To keep up-to-date:

Logo CPIER Logo du Plan Loire grandeur nature 



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