[Fr] Retour en images sur les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire
Les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire patrimoine mondial se sont tenus à Tours le mercredi 20 novembre. Près de 300 personnes se sont déplacées pour...
Published on 31 August 2016 - Updated 02 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans
Loiret’s Council for Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment (CAUE) is organising two forums consisting of workshops with no more than ten participants each, selected following registration. They provide an opportunity to illustrate these notions via contextualised images and discuss with local inhabitants. The first was held in Cléry-Saint-André on 24 and 25 June 2016; the second is set to be held in Sully-sur-Loire on 18 and 19 November 2016.
The town of Sully-sur-Loire proposes two venues for giving thought to and emergence of new ideas and new urban forms adapted to the highly specific context of Sully, a Ligerian heritage town much of whose centre was rebuilt after the Second World War.
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