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Call for expressions of interest: “Quels vill(ages) demain?” (What towns and villages tomorrow?)

Published on 07 April 2016 - Updated 18 April 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

A first Architecture and Landscape Forum is set to be held in Cléry-Saint-André on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 June 2016. 10 professionals – architects, landscapers and urban planners selected following registration – will be invited to take part in an onsite workshop with a view to spatialising, developing and contextualising sustainable development goals as applied to a small Loire Valley tourist town with a rich heritage.

Thought will essentially be given to: 

  • questions of small towns’ centrality and vitality,
  • reconstitution of urban and vegetable périphéries,
  • sustainability and accessibility of natural spaces in towns,
  • with the aim of introducing new types of habitat adapted to small towns.

Awareness of the existence of outstanding heritage assets (Loire Valley World Heritage site) and the attraction that such sites hold for visitors will be determining factors in future projects. 

This first call for expressions of interest targeting professionals has been launched by the Loiret CAUE, the town of Cléry-Saint-André and Pays Sologne Val Sud, Foret d’Orléans Val de Loire, and Loire Beauce as part of the Centre-Loire Valley Region’s “ID en Campagne” regional support programme for rural development initiatives, and the European LEADER programme. 

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