2018 Rendezvous of the Loire Valley

Published on 10 July 2018 - Updated 28 March 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The 12th edition of the Rendezvous of the Loire Valley World Heritage will take place on Wednesday 28 November in Tours, at the Vinci International Congress Centre. This event provides a unique opportunity to get together and discuss recent news and ongoing or forthcoming projects across the Loire Valley World Heritage. 500 participants are expected to attend.

This edition has been organised according to a new format, where greater precedence is being given to the stakeholders' forum and to discussions and meetings between professionals and project leaders. It will particularly focus on the theme of uses made of the Loire. 

Call for participants

This year again, you can play a part in the programme of this event by showcasing an initiative, project or achievement at the stakeholders' forum

Two options are available: 

  • a "project stand" with provision of a panel ( example ) produced by Mission Val de Loire on one of your initiatives (which you will be able to take away at the end of the day);
  • "20|20" session (20-minute presentation for 20 people).

Since places are limited, we recommend that you pre-register as soon as possible. New projects as well as those bearing on the theme of uses made of the Loire will take priority. 

As an author or publisher, you will also be able to exhibit one or more publications in the book corner. 

I would like to respond to the call for participants  

Closing date for participation: Friday 14 September 2018.  


  • 8:45 - Doors open
  • 9:30 - Stakeholders' forum
    • 50 stands presenting projects and achievements by stakeholders of the Listed Site in the fields of protection, management and promotion of the Loire Valley World Heritage (see the call for participants )
    • Book corner
    • Exhibitions on fishing in the Loire and on "the invention of World Heritage"
  • 10:00 - five 50/50 conferences (50-minute presentation for 50 people). Look back at two years of the Management Plan's implementation.
  • 11:00 - Officials visit the forum
  • 11:45 - Speeches
  • 12:30 - Lunch and refreshments
  • 13:30 - Territorial conference
  • 14:30 onwards - twenty 20/20 sessions (20-minute presentation for 20 people) presenting projects and achievements by stakeholders of the Listed Site in the fields of protection, management and promotion of the Loire Valley World Heritage (see the call for participants )
  • 17:00 - Closes

Registration due to open and detailed programme available shortly.  

Previous editions



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