2014 Rendezvous of the Loire Valley

Published on 09 October 2014 - Updated 21 June 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

The next Rendezvous of the Loire Valley World Heritage will be held on Tuesday 25 November at the Tours International Conference Centre, from 9:45am to 5:30pm. These meetings, nowadays organised every two years by Mission Val de Loire, are a unique chance to bring together all stakeholders involved and to talk about each one's present situation.

François Bonneau, President of the Centre region and of Mission Val de Loire, Jacques Auxiette, President of the Region of the Pays de la Loire and Vice President of Mission Val de Loire, and Michel Jau, Centre region Prefect and coordinator of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature are pleased to invite you to the 10th Rendezvous of the Loire Valley. 

Tuesday 25th November 2014 

At the Vinci Congress Centre in TOURS  


Programme overview

9:45am Participant welcome 

10:30am Stakeholders assembly

Pierre de Ronsard Auditorium  

  • Welcoming speeches
  • 2012-2014 actions and achievements, prospects
  • From space to territory: historical geography essay on the Loire Valley, by Louis-Marie Coyaud, professor of geography e.r.,  member of the Mission Val de Loire Scientific and Professional Council

12:30pm lunch

floor +2 

2pm Stakeholders meeting

floor -2 

  • 50 project stands
  • 18 20/20 sessions: presentation of projects
  • Meeting of the network of local correspondents
  • Publishers area
  • Exhibitions
  • Your brochures table: you can leave your information brochures here. In order to avoid waste, please make sure that you collect those left over at the end of the day.

5pm Closing ceremony 

Provisional programme for the Stakeholders meeting

The programme is in the process of being finalised.  

The following will come to present an action, an achievement or a project: 

Agrocampus Ouest 

Association for World Heritage Properties in France 

Les Chalandoux du 5ème vent Association 

PCL (Loire Cultural Heritage) Association 

BTP CFA de Loir et Cher, ASMEC and the Heritage Foundation 

CAUE 37 


Centre for Higher Renaissance Studies (CESR) 

Cie saumuroise de navigation St Nicolas 

Collège Hubert Fillay (Bracieux) 

Blois Urban Area Community 

Orléans Loire Valley Urban Area Community 

Saumur Loire Development Urban Area Community 

Ardoux Valley Urban Area Community 

Pays de la Loire Regional Council 

Centre Regional Council 

Management of the heritage inventory - Centre region 

Pays de la Loire DREAL 

UCO Science Faculty 

Federation of Maisons de Loire of the Centre region 

Foundation for the Protection of Wildlife Habitats 

Loire Valley INRA - Orléans 

Inrap Centre–Île-de-France 

Jean Michel Kalouguine 

La Rabouilleuse Loire School 

L'Atelier du Carroir 

Le présent lieu / Caroline Delbaere 

Les intraterrestres 

Maison de Loire in Anjou 

Maisons Paysannes de France in the Centre region 

Mission of the General Inventory of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of culture and communication) 

Mission Val de Loire 

Loire Observatory 

Loire Layon Tourist Information Office 

 Val d'Or et Forêt Tourist Information Office 

Loire Anjou Touraine Natural Park (PNR) 

Loire Touraine Regions of Art and History 

Poupette et Compagnie 

Châteaux of the Loire Network 

Sauvegarde de Montsoreau 

Ville de Beaugency 

Ville de Blois (Service Solidarité) 

Ville de Fondettes 

Ville de Luynes 

Ville de Mûrs-Erigné 

Ville de Rochecorbon 

Ville de Tours 

Les Ponts-de-Cé 




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