
Published on 18 January 2015 - Updated 12 February 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

The major focuses of site management are defined at the Territorial Conference, which brings together the State and the Loire Valley’s local authorities. A Technical Committee produces the strategy for implementation of these focuses.

Territorial Conference


  • Defining focuses and validating the “Loire Valley – World Heritage” action programme.
  • Being a platform for expression on the part of local authorities as project owners.


  • State
  • Listed site’s local authorities:
    • Regional Councils (Centre and Pays de la Loire)
    • Départemental Councils (Loiret, Loir-et-Cher, Indre-et-Loire and Maine-et-Loire )
    • Agglomeration Communities (Angers, Blois, Orleans, Saumur and Tours)
    • Communities of Municipalities
    • Cities (Amboise, Blois, Chinon, Orleans, Saumur and Tours)
  • Mission Val de Loire
  • Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Nature Park (PNR Loire Anjou Touraine)
  • Loire Public Establishment (EPL)
  • SICALAs (Intermunicipal Syndicates for the Development of the Loire and its Tributaries)
  • CESER Centre and Pays de la Loire


The Territorial Conference is chaired by the coordinating Prefect in association with the Presidents of the Regions and the President of Mission Val de Loire. 

It is prepared by the Technical Committee 

Mission Val de Loire acts as its secretariat. 

The Territorial Conference is held every 1 or 2 years. 

Technical Committee


  • Producing a strategy for implementation of the Management Plan.
  • Constructing a common culture based in particular on association of representatives of départemental bodies and questions they bring up, arising from the most sensitive projects encountered.


  • State
    • DREAL
    • DRAC
    • Representatives appointed by each départemental Prefect
  • Centre-Loire Valley and Pays de la Loire Regions
  • Mission Val de Loire


The Technical Committee is chaired by the Secretary-General for Regional Affairs (SGAR) Centre, who also acts as its secretary. 

The Technical Committee meets 3 or 4 times a year. 



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