
Published on 23 January 2015 - Updated 20 December 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

Management of the UNESCO site is coordinated by departments under the State (DREAL-DRAC), as stakeholder in the World Heritage Convention, and Mission Val de Loire, as head of the network and crossroads for actors involved in the listed site’s management.


The State’s regional departments are involved in overall management of the UNESCO site – the State being responsible for international conventions – and, more specifically, in their activity sectors. 

Action on the part of DRAC bears on archaeology, preservation and promotion of urban and landscape heritage, protection and restoration of historical monuments, and promotion of architectural and garden creation. 

Action on the part of DREAL bears on preservation of landscapes and biodiversity, sustainable spatial planning, urban development in particular, and flood-risk management as regards the Loire and its tributaries. 

On the web:

Mission Val de Loire

Mission Val de Loire is an interregional mixed syndicate under the aegis of the Centre-Loire Valley and Pays de la Loire Regions. It plays a coordinating role for the State, local authorities and all the UNESCO site’s stakeholders. 

Départemental bodies for exchanges


  • Sharing information and coordinating the position of State departments.
  • Examining projects that might affect the Outstanding Universal Value.
  • Transmitting problematic subjects to the Technical Committee.


  • State
    • DREAL
    • STAP
    • DDT
  • Mission Val de Loire

Other members may be associated depending on subjects tackled. 


Départemental bodies for exchanges are chaired by representatives appointed by départemental Prefects. 

The way they operate is determined in each département

Départemental bodies for exchanges meet 3 or 4 times a year. 



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