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- A territorial coherence plan
A territorial coherence plan
Published on 17 October 2016 - Updated 13 December 2019
The aim is to define a development strategy in keeping with the area’s World Heritage features. Such consideration has been a requirement since March 2017 and relies on the State's PAC information document, which includes a section on the key issues shaping the Loire Valley World Heritage.
To know...
- Le schéma de cohérence territoriale en quelques mots
- Les principaux enjeux patrimoine mondial à prendre en compte dans un SCOT sont la maîtrise de l’étalement urbain, la préservation des continuités vertes et des coteaux non-bâtis et boisés, le maintien et/ou restauration des perspectives, l’insertion des nouveaux aménagements dans la trame urbaine ligérienne, notamment dans les centres historiques et la requalification des entrées de ville.
- Le diagnostic de la V.U.E. est intégré dans l’état initial de l’environnement (EIE) sous la forme d’une annexe spécifique. La stratégie patrimoniale est présentée dans le PADD et la règle (orientations / recommandations) développée dans le document d'orientation et d'objectifs (DOO).
- Une orientation dédiée est souhaitable à l’image de la démarche du SCOT du Grand saumurois « Intégrer le patrimoine mondial dans l’aménagement du territoire ».
of local authorities in the Loire Valley have pledged to include the notion of World Heritage in their urban planning documents
Link experiences
The Greater Saumur area SCoT
2014 - 2017
The territorial coherence plan (SCoT) for the Greater Saumur area sets out to...
Read moreHow to ?
- Define the landscape quality aims by drawing on the skills of a landscape designer and/or heritage architect for the inscribed perimeter and buffer zone (where there is inter-visibility)
- Set up a joint approach with elected representatives for the consideration of the sweeping territory, beyond the perimeter of the Loire's riverside municipalities, in the management of inter-visibility and entrances to the Unesco site.
- Design an advisory and coordination mechanism for implementing the SCoT guidelines, particularly including their consideration in the PLU-PLUi plans.
- Achieve coherence of the heritage strategy in the DOO, by devoting one of the latter's guidelines to World Heritage or explaining, in the presentation report, the link to be drawn between the DOO guidelines and the Unesco site management plan.
- Clearly distinguish between requirements and recommendations in the terms used in the SCoT and particularly the DOO (perhaps by drawing up a glossary).
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