Area for the Protection of Architectural, Urban and Landscape Heritage (ZPPAUP)

Published on 27 September 2016 - Updated 04 January 2021

Areas for the Protection of Architectural, Urban and Landscape Heritage (ZPPAUP) are a regulatory tool for protecting an urban sector harbouring significant heritage on historical or aesthetic grounds, and forming part of overall plans for urban development.

NB: the Act on the freedom of creation, architecture and heritage (CAP) published on 8 July 2016 replaced ZPPAUPs with  remarkable heritage sites .  

Established in 1983 by the decentralisation legislation, ZPPAUPs entrust a central role to municipalities, which take the initiative where they are concerned, and lay the groundwork for a partnership with the State. These areas represent an exhaustive inventory of heritage and define the architectural and landscape guidelines and management terms applicable to the perimeter in question. Works within them are subject to special permission, after consultation with the lead architect for heritage (ABF). ZPPAUPs are a public utility easement requirement under the Local Urban Development Plan (PLU). More than 600 ZPPAUPs have been created across almost all French départements and a wide diversity of local areas, from rural to densely urban areas. These areas are intended to become Areas for Enhancing Architecture and Heritage (AVAP) under the Grenelle 2 environmental legislation of 2010.  

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