"Loire et loges" micro-architecture competition

Published on 25 September 2014 - Updated 20 October 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

With this international competition, the Young Economic Chamber of Tours and the Centre region Maison de l'Architecture, in partnership with Tour(s)plus, the Ville de Tours and Mission Val de Loire UNESCO World Heritage, wish to emphasise that the art of living, heritage and architectural innovation constitute the triptych of the Centre region. This competition is open to architects under 30 years of age and students at schools of architecture and landscape, who can enter on the website, from 1st September to 31 October.

What if we were to revisit the vineyard shelter?

The Loire and the bicycle form the tandem of the decade and that, surely, of many to come. This alternative to traditional holidays delights more and more tourists in search of a special relationship with nature as much as cultural wealth.  

In looking back over the concept of the vineyard shelter, candidates are invited to design a shelter with the function of welcoming cycling tourists during a daytime break. Not fixed, it is mounted on a base so that it can be moved during the off-season and so that it has a smaller impact on the site where it is located. It must meet French light leisure dwelling standards (HLL).  

A little house reduced to its purest form, the vineyard shelter has left its mark on the Loire landscape and is the stuff many people's dreams are made of.  This building of an area of around 15 metres squared, with only one room, gave vine-growers shelter during the long working days, where in winter or summertime.  

Two installation sites for the winners

The two winning projects will be built, in partnership with the BTP CFA 37 (Apprentice Training Centre) and the FFB 37 (French Building Federation). Project management will be carried out by the Centre Maison de l’Architecture, which will remain owner of the completed work.  

The projects will be executed on sites in the municipalities of Savonnières and Chouzé-sur-Loire.  

A travelling exhibition taking place in early 2015 will present twenty five projects chosen by the jury.  




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