An interpretation centre for the estuary and the Loire in Saint-Nazaire

Published on 21 March 2012 - Updated 03 April 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

This centre is due to open in 2015 in the old lifting factory – which attests to the city's historical and industrial past and was built at the turn of the 20th century, finally closing its doors in 1989. The project – which will cost around 10 million euros – is the brainchild of the Pays de la Loire Region, Saint-Nazaire and the Grand Port Maritime Nantes-Saint-Nazaire.

This interpretation and enhancement centre seeks to become a thriving venue for debates and encounters on the estuary and the Loire. Landscapes, environment, economic activity and social life: the Loire has been instrumental in shaping the daily lives of estuary and riverbank inhabitants. 

The cultural and scientific project intends to connect the city-port, estuary and Loire upstream, particularly the Loire Valley listed as a World Heritage. 




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