[Fr] Décès de Philippe Auclerc
C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris aujourd'hui le décès de Philippe Auclerc, co-fondateur de la maison d'édition "Loire et terroirs" et rédacteur...
Published on 15 February 2011 - Updated 24 February 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans
484 professionals figure in this guide, which was published in January 2011 and can be downloaded in its entirety or chapter by chapter. 16 families of professions are referenced: popular arts and traditions, graphic arts, mechanical arts / games and toys, jewellery / silversmithery and clock-making, wood, leather, decoration, musical instruments, lighting, metal, professions connected with architecture, fashion, stone, land, textiles, and glass.
A practical and efficient tool, the guide is essentially designed for public and private owners of heritage, decision-makers, architects, experts and local elected officials, to help them find the right professionals to carry out their restoration and conservation projects successfully, and also for the public at large, to acquaint them with the wealth of know-how their region contains and supply them with practical information on how to go and discover it for themselves.
Creation of the guide is the result of a partnership between the Regional Council, the Regional Chamber of Trades and the Departmental Chambers of Trades. It was financed by the Region with the help of a European subsidy from the EFRD (European Fund for Regional Development).
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.