What's new in the bibliography - January 2017

Published on 20 January 2017 - Updated 22 February 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

Three new books have been added to the list: 2 DRAC publications and the exhibition catalogue devoted to Max Ernst by the Véron eco-museum.

What's more, Françoise de Person (Editions La Salicaire) is launching a petition for the republication of Bateliers sur la Loire


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This publication pays tribute to the artist Pierre Carron, who, during the restoration work on the choir chapels and their painted décor in the Sainte-Croix d’Orléans cathedral (1993-2003), designed a programme, the exceptional iconography of which infused into the identity of each of the seven chapels concerned.
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This is the first edition of the sub-collection "En chantier(s)", aimed at promoting the major projects carried out by the departments of the Pays de la Loire DRAC (Regional Directorate for Cultural Affairs) to protect, restore and showcase heritage. Two articles deal with the Loire Valley World Heritage site.
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This exhibition catalogue brings together information showing how Ernst's work, which is rooted in the Touraine region, came about. His work is inseparable from his life. In Touraine, human, material and spiritual encounters are clearly linked with Max Ernst's creations. This catalogue helps us to better understand the artist's relationship to the world – an artist who, between 1955 and 1968, expressed himself through varied work which can be interpreted on different levels.



[Fr] Appel à contributions pour le colloque "Au bon air des jardins"

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Vue sur le château et son parc, à Châteauneuf-sur-Loire. Licence CC BY-NC-SA Bruno Marmiroli / Mission Val de Loire


[Fr] Classement du site "La traversée de la Loire à Châteauneuf-sur-Loire"

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[Fr] Portraits de Loire au XVIIIe siècle

À partir de documents d'époque, la websérie “Portraits de Loire au XVIIIe siècle” plonge dans cette période de l'histoire, parcourt le paysage...