"Voir et être vu" (“See and Be Seen”), a seminar on representations, practices and developments associated with the river Loire

Published on 12 July 2019 - Updated 08 November 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

On Thursday 12 September in Blois, Mission Val-de-Loire will be organising a seminar entitled “See and Be Seen” to report on the continuous link between representations, practices and developments on the banks of the river Loire, outline various approaches and launch “Regards sur le Val de Loir” (“Perspectives on the Loire Valley”). Communities located on the river Loire within the UNESCO-listed site and on the Loire By Bike route are being invited to participate. The seminar is being organised in partnership with the Ecole de la nature et du paysage (School of Nature and the Landscape) at the Centre-Val-de-Loire INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) and the Centre-Val-de-Loire Maison de l'architecture.

The Perspectives on the Loire Valleycall for expressions of interest (CEI) is intended to encourage communities to support the implementation of “operations” for establishing relationships with the river along the Loire By Bike route.  

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The Mission Val-de-Loire World Heritage, in partnership with the Centre-Val-de-Loire and Pays-de-la Loire Regions, is launching a call for expressions of interest in supporting the development of projects for exploring and understanding Loire Valley cultural landscapes that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.

At the same time, Mission Val-de-Loire wishes to encourage students and teachers at the School of Nature and the Landscape at the Centre-Val-de-Loire INSA to carry out a similar “campus-based” study to question the nature of the link between the representation of landscapes and their development and practices. This study could, if appropriate, result in the production of prototypes associated with specific sites.  

Therefore, in partnership with the School of Nature and the Landscape at the Centre-Val-de-Loire INSA  and the Centre-Val-de-Loire Maison de l'architecture Mission Val-de-Loire is offering a three-part seminar: 

  1. The first part will present “Portraits of the Loire”: the Loire in the 16th century; travellers’ impressions before the advent of the train; the lodges, pavilions, and viewpoints for seeing and being seen on the banks of the Loire; and finally the practices associated with the river Loire and their representations.
  2. The second part will be devoted to a number of “Loire projects”: a furniture project for the Monts-d’Ardèche PNR (Regional Nature Reserve); the Periscope prototype produced in Montlivault in collaboration with the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay area; Loire et loges, a design initiative for a bike shelter launched by the Maison de l'architecture du Centre-Val-de-Loire; Windows on the Loire, a project led by the Indre-et-Loire Département-level Council; and the photographic observatory in Blois.
  3. The final highlight of the day will be the presentation of the CEI initiative “Perspectives on the Loire Valley”, the stages of the project’s implementation at community level, and the workshop versions available for teachers and students.

To register for the seminar: https://forms.gle/AhAfUE4y36anxvCz7  



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