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  • Visitor study covering the 19 monuments included in the excellence initiative for outstanding sites in the Loire valley.

Visitor study covering the 19 monuments included in the excellence initiative for outstanding sites in the Loire valley.

Published on 16 July 2010 - Updated 07 January 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

In June and July 2010, the 19 monuments covered by the excellence initiative for outstanding sites in the Loire valley, under the supervision of the Mission Val de Loire, took part in a study on their visitors’ behaviour.

The carrying out of the study was entrusted to Planeth Consultants and a team from ESTHUA at Angers University. It consisted of a questionnaire, filled out face to face at each of the partner sites and aiming to collect 6,500 replies in all. Several groups of ESTHUA students were called in to prepare the questionnaire, conduct the interviews and participate in analysis of summary, collective and individual results for each site. The aim is to have information available on the habits of visitors to Loire chateaux and to share such information, with a view, in particular, to adapting actions carried out, both collectively in the framework of the excellence initiative and individually by the sites themselves. 



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