Val de Loire Rendezvous 2007

Published on 21 December 2007 - Updated 23 April 2020
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The 5th Val de Loire Rendezvous, held on Tuesday 11 December 2007, welcomed to Angers some 350 players involved in the Val de Loire World Heritage site.

The meeting provided an opportunity for the new president of the Val de Loire Mission, François Bonneau, and the vice-president, Jacques Auxiette, to express their commitment to placing the Val de Loire Mission at the centre of regional policy, thus strengthening its campaign to promote the Val de Loire.

During the morning, participants had the chance to learn from feedback provided by other European sites in relation to the elements that make up the Val de Loire's cultural landscape (the river, stone, gardens and vineyards), and from the insights of Jean Musitelli, France's former ambassador to UNESCO.

After lunch, work continued in the form of themed workshops (Landscape, Tourism, Culture and International Cooperation) in order to bring participants up to date on current developments and to allow them to reflect on the prospects for action in the future.

The day ended with a look ahead to the future, with thoughts from Isabelle Longuet, Secretary to the France/UNESCO Convention, and Yves Dauge, President of the French World Heritage Properties Association.

View the photo album of the 5th Val de Loire Rendezvous

The Val de Loire Mission is preparing to release a DVD of the work carried out at the Val de Loire Rendezvous.



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