VITOUR: a satisfactory initial review

Published on 19 November 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The seventh international meeting of VITOUR, the European network of World Heritage wine-growing areas, was held on 17 and 18 October 2007 in Tokaj, in Hungary, on the site of the historic wine-growing area of Tokaj-Hegyalja.

The meeting provided an opportunity to approve the work carried out under the European programme: the communications tools (brochure, web portal and press pack), the database of regional information, and the review of the landscapes and tourism workshops. The presentation of the results of the expert report on wine tourism was followed by a debate on the network's proposed wine tourism Action Plan, which provided an opportunity to identify the strategic directions for each partner site and for the VITOUR network.

The partners felt that this first project had made it possible to equip the network with strategic tools for communications and sharing ideas, as well as the basis of a strategy for wine tourism and sustainable landscape management. It had also provided an opportunity to trial arrangements for inter-regional projects (wine tourism itineraries). The second stage should involve increasing the number of inter-regional projects on the basis agreed.

The Val de Loire invites the network to meet again from 16 to 18 May 2008, to sign the international charter for the VITOUR network (the “Tokaj Declaration”), the network's founding text, and to study the terms of the next VITOUR application, which will be submitted to the subsequent call for applications for funding under the INTERREG IVC programme.

VITOUR Partners

VITOUR Partners



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