Urban quality charter in Tours

Published on 14 January 2016 - Updated 22 January 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

As part of its new urban project, on 6 October 2015 the City of Tours signed an "urban quality charter" with architects, professionals from the construction sector, landlords/lessors and other stakeholders to define a method, procedure and commitments for each signatory for the purposes of implementing the urban project in Tours.

Serge Babary, Mayor of Tours, and Françoise Amiot, Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, wanted to set out a new urban project for Tours on the basis of five objectives

  • developing the city with account taken of its environment;
  • carrying out construction within the specific Tours context;
  • tailoring housing to needs;
  • leaving more room for plants;
  • protecting views and the "great landscape" of the Loire.

To that end, the Local Urban Plan will be revised with three objectives in mind: 

  • showcasing the city;
  • boosting its appeal;
  • living well locally.

Launched in May 2015, the procedure will be followed by a public enquiry and consultation prior to approval at the end of 2017.  

The charter is not a binding document and does not have any legal scope; as such the projects will continue to be examined in terms of the current Local Urban Plan (PLU). The charter is a firm part of an urban planning approach which gives precedence to dialogue and sharing, as it cannot cover every scenario or take all contexts into account. The charter therefore still intends to be of use once the new PLU is adopted, and creates opportunities for dialogue on jointly producing the latter. 




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