Two study days on cultural mediation of our heritage

Published on 03 March 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

Organised as part of our quality excellence programme for Val-de-Loire’s major heritage sites, the two days focused on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and sensory accessibility for the visually impaired, and brought a score of professionals into the arena.


The days were organised by the Mission Val de Loire and the sites in question with a view to sharing knowledge and good practices among Val-de-Loire's major heritage sites.

Cultural mediation of our heritage and use of ICTs

2 February 2010 at the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes
The day enabled participants to get themselves up to date on the use of ICTs at Val-de-Loire's major sites, with a return to the study (general trends, diagnosis and recommendations) carried out by the "Public et Culture" consultancy.
Two case studies were presented:
  • the prototype for the "multi-touch tactile area" for evocation of Fontevraud Abbey's history as a prison (to be opened next spring at the abbey)
  • the remodelled itineraries, scenography and museography at Chinon Fortress (reopening planned for next July)
A "two-voices" visit to the museum (from the public's point of view and from a technical viewpoint) with audiophone enabled demonstration of some of the equipment used for the Nantes history museum, including: projections, tactile screens and 3D modelling.
To close the day, Audrey Defretin, researcher and LEDEN doctoral student, presented a panorama of current trends in France and abroad.

Heritage mediation and visual impairment

23 February 2010, Château Royal de Blois
The Interface Handicap association presented sensory mediation tools based on sensory accessibility criteria: getting information / getting one's bearings / getting around / getting to the content.
The case of Château de Blois was then presented (existing amenities, projects and prospects), with a tactile discovery visit of the château (tactile model, lapidary depot, mouldings, visit literature in Braille, relief and large characters).
The day concluded with discussion among participants centred around the day's input and bearing upon their practices and upcoming projects.


Val-de-Loire’s major heritage sites



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