Two meetings on the flooding risk

Published on 21 September 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

The Etablissement public Loire is putting on two meetings, one during the Prévirisq exhibition in Paris, and the other in connection with the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature, with the Pays de la Loire Region in Nantes.


Wednesday 22 nd September 2010, Parc Floral in Paris

Training workshop "Training: a challenge to reduce the vulnerability of flood-risk regions over the long-term"

Training workshop with two round tables:
  • For engineering training in the challenges of reducing regions' vulnerability to flooding
  • Contribution of new media to engineering in the prevention and management of the flooding risk
Organised by the Etablissement public Loire and partner authorities, during the 3rd PREVIRISQ exhibition.
Thursday 14 th October 2010, Hôtel de Région in Nantes

Flooding, critical times

4 th annual meeting between the scientific community and Loire managers, organised by the Etablissement public Loire together with the Pays de la Loire Regional Council under the Research/Data/Information section of the Loire Plan.



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