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  • Two areas are preparing a joint application for the European "Leader" programme

Two areas are preparing a joint application for the European "Leader" programme

Published on 19 September 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

They are the Pays Sologne Val Sud and the Pays Forêt d’Orléans, two areas in the Loire valley dominated by forest landscapes.

The two areas are hoping to embark together on " a sustainable development approach to managing and enhancing water and forest resources". A strategy has been devised in order to support, in particular, initiatives in the areas of:
- organising and promoting the timber industry
- water management in sustainable agriculture
- innovation and training in the water and timber industries
- managing natural environments
- raising awareness of the use and management of water and timber resources
- promoting natural resources

A call for local projects has been launched and will continue until 15 October 2007 involving local authorities, community organisations and the private sector in order to identify initiatives that fall within the terms of this strategy.

Iwan Le Merdy
Tel: +33 (0)2 38 46 84 40

Pays Sologne Val Sud
Pays Forêt d’Orléans



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