Training initiative on interpreting the Loire winegrowing landscape

Published on 28 May 2014 - Updated 11 June 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

On Tuesday 29 April 2014, this training initiative day brought together some twenty heritage mediators - "Villes et Pays d’art et d’histoire" group leaders, lecturer guides, educational group leaders from wine museums, etc. This fell within the scope of the 2014 interregional cooperation initiatives project "Showcasing and promoting Loire Valley vineyards", a European Leader programme, bringing together the Loire Touraine GAL (Local Action Group), the Vignoble Nantais GAL and the Layon Saumurois GAL.

Saumurois was named reception site, owing to its central geographical location and its importance in terms of the Loire and regional heritage, in keeping with the theme. 

In the morning there was a theoretical training session in a classroom, with contributions from Louis-Marie Coyaud, geographer, member of the Mission Val de Loire Scientific and professional council, and Rémi Deleplancque, head of the education and culture mission at Mission Val de Loire. 

On Friday 23 May, the Véron Maison de Vins et du Tourisme held a conference on the universal nature of the Loire Valley's living heritage. Rémi Deleplancque, head of the education and culture mission for Mission Val de Loireand Loïc Bidault, director ofLoire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Natural Park, spoke there. 

In the afternoon, practical implementation was carried out in the form of landscape interpretations by L-M Coyaud in Candes Saint-Martin and by Sylvain Guerveno, head of the Landscapes mission at Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Natural Park.  

This day was the opportunity to study and to design techniques and tools adapted to a site, an audience, an order, etc. and to think about mutual tools which could be created in partnerships and which could benefit all mediators.  



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