Training in mediation for Val de Loire World Heritage

Published on 31 August 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The Val de Loire Mission and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre are organising, from 28 to 30 November 2007, a Val de Loire World Heritage Mediation Seminar.

This ground-breaking initiative was what the UNESCO World Heritage Centre had been hoping for because of its wish to strengthen the “world heritage” aspect of what registered sites are able to provide by way of mediation. The International Institute for Rivers and Cultural Heritage is taking overall responsibility for organising this operation with the participation of the University of Angers, the Catholic University of the West and the Intercommunal Committee for Development of Saumur Loire.

Aim: To enable guides in the Val de Loire to acquire concepts and values relating to world heritage as well as specific features of the Val de Loire site, so that they can then pass on this knowledge to the general public within the framework of their mediation activities.

Intended audience: Guides working within the Val de Loire World Heritage site, in châteaux, monuments and museums, urban areas and towns having artistic and historical features, and those working in promotional areas for natural and landscape heritage.

Training is spread over three days and combines delivery of information, exchanges of ideas and practical exercises:
- The first day of training will be devoted to theoretical contributions, including general teaching sessions on world heritage and the Val de Loire registered site.
- The second day will be devoted to professional practices and will include participation from international sites.
- For the third day, those taking part will be invited to try out new mediation tools such as the idea of ‘reading’ the landscape.  
Download the provisional programme

Duration: 3 days (from 28 to 30 November 2007)
Place: At the Pôle Universitaire du Saumurois (Saumur Area University Institute) and at the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud.

This training is restricted to a total group size of 20 trainees who must be strongly motivated.  

Download the registration form, to be returned to the International Rivers and Heritage Institute before 28 September 2007

For further details:
International Rivers and Heritage Institute
Tel: 00 33 (0) 2 47 66 06 65
Fax: 00 33 (0) 2 47 66 02 18



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