Tours launches a call for innovative urban proposals

Published on 15 January 2019 - Updated 30 January 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

By launching the website a few days ago, the City of Tours hopes to communicate more extensively about its local urban development plan and development projects. The municipality is also launching a call for innovative urban proposals for 8 of the City's landmark sites. It is vowing to place users at the heart of the City's renewal. Closing date for submissions: 30 March 2019.

Associations, businesses, individuals with ideas... Everyone is welcome to join or form a team with professionals to submit a bid for this call for proposals, which is aimed at fostering the emergence (and delivery) of innovative projects that renew the products and methods of the real estate sector.  

Expected areas of innovation:  

  • Meeting and anticipating the needs of urban life (uses)
  • Urban, architectural and landscape forms
  • Construction styles
  • Management or operating conditions
  • Involvement of civil society stakeholders

The 8 landmark sites:  

  • Saint-Sauveur
  • Pavillon de Condé
  • Col hangar
  • L’Ermitage (within the borders of the Loire Valley site listed as a World Heritage)
  • Jemmapes P+R
  • A10 motorway interchange (within the borders of the Loire Valley site listed as a World Heritage)
  • Chauveau Barracks, North-West block
  • Sanitas: Marie Curie block

All of the proposals will have to follow the broad outlines defined in the Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Plan (PADD) and urban planning rules of the Local Urban Development Plan (PLU).  




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