Tourism and wine

Published on 15 February 2011 - Updated 24 February 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

“French and international clientele and France’s competitors. How do we stay competitive?” This work, published by Atout France, seeks to describe the typical characteristics of the wine tourist in France: epicurean, explorer, classic tourist or expert… It is the result of a study carried out in partnership with eight viticultural destinations, bringing together professionals in the field and players in the tourism sector.

The richness of France’s terroir, and the diversity of its geographical regions and of the wines it produces, are increasingly in the spotlight, and wine tourism attracts wine consumers to centres of production, resulting in extra sales made direct to purchasers by producers. More generally, it helps develop the attraction of tourism in the French countryside, with direct and indirect economic consequences. 




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