Three partners for sustainable fishing and pleasure on your plate

Published on 23 April 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The Qualité Loire Professional Fishermen’s Association, WWF-France and Slow Food, with the support of the Etablissement public Loire (Loire Public Corporation) as part of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature III, aims to protect sustainable fishing in the Loire. A first Loire Fisheries Month takes place in April 2008.

This first edition gave pride of place to the lamprey, with six “Rendez-vous à Table” (" Dinner Dates"). Having been endangered around a dozen years ago, the lamprey has returned in force to our rivers thanks to the efforts of the State, local authorities and associated public institutions since 1994 as part of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature (92,885 lampreys counted in 2007).
More broadly the partnership aims to:
- Maintain a traditional economic activity which is useful to the life of the river and to understanding of fish stocks in the Loire and its tributaries with a view to fostering sustainable development.
- Foster the marketing and consumption of quality Loire fish among food professionals and local residents, thus working towards maintaining fishery know-how and food heritage.
- Reduce the environmental footprint linked to the diet of local people.
- Boost public investment received as part of the Plan Loire Grandeur in favour of migrating fish.



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