“Think Tours” – Sustainable development and planning project (PADD)

Published on 06 October 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

The City of Tours is currently implementing an extensive communication campaign on its sustainable development and planning project (PADD). This expresses the City’s designs in terms of urban planning, defining an overall policy and specifying certain planning projects.

Harmonise the city and its environment

This is one of the PADD's four objectives. The challenge involves increasing the urban quality of Tours in keeping with its "natural" organisation forged by the rivers, hillsides and historic routes.
For example:
  • Develop the riverbanks to create a link between the river and the city, bring the river to life, promote the ramps and other access points to the river…
  • Enhance the Loire heritage: redevelop the built and river heritage and fit out the visual perspectives on the river…

Learn about the PADD

A multimedia communication campaign is under way to raise citizens' awareness of their city's project:
  • exhibitions
  • a presentation booklet, distributed free of charge at the city hall, or can be downloaded on the website
  • unaccompanied tours of the site, with video outings (loan of video walkman by the city, podcasts can be downloaded on the website)
  • a game to invent the city: the Tabula rosa: 4 players sit around a map of the district for 1 hour and take it in turns to make up a story of the city, in the form of an "exquisite corpse", based on an initial situation and the challenges of urban transformation.
  • a special website gives pride of place to video and has created a section where citizens can give their views: http://urbanisme.tours.fr/
Penser Tours



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