The ambitious French UNESCO properties

Published on 05 April 2017 - Updated 23 June 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

Arles hosted the 15th Meetings of the Association for World Heritage Properties in France between 22 and 24 March 2017. It was an opportunity for operators of UNESCO properties to swap their practices in the field of preserving and showcasing world heritage. This year, the association's general assembly approved four ambitions for the years to come. They were developed into action proposals and ideas during the workshops.

The four ambitions are: 

  • Ambition no.1: Make the Association for World Heritage Properties in France into an ambassador, guarantor and reference source for the values of the World Heritage Convention
  • Ambition no.2: Make French World Heritage Properties into areas of innovation and excellence by promoting and strengthening their operators' skills
  • Ambition no.3: Make the Association for World Heritage Properties in France into a recognised, legitimate stakeholder in world heritage at national and international level
  • Ambition no.4: Make the Association for World Heritage Properties in France into a stable, autonomous and long-lasting network, while preserving its original specific features

The association was celebrating its 10th anniversary and is resolutely looking to the future, with strengthened support from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry for Culture. 

  • Resources
  • Outils méthodologiques et réglementaires

The Directorate General for Planning, Housing and Nature (DGALN) developed this guide enabling all of the data which the Ministry of the Environment officials need to know in order to ensure that the Convention is properly implemented in a long-lasting fashion, to be capitalised on and shared in one medium.




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