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The Thouet: public enquiry on the 2011-2015 Aquatic Environment Territorial Contract

Published on 15 February 2011 - Updated 24 February 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

To accompany the launch of the upcoming programme of actions to be taken over the next 5 years on the River Thouet (CTMA 2011-2015), a public enquiry will be open from 24 January to 11 February 2011, to present some of the actions included in the programme.

The enquiry opens on 24 January and only bears on some of the planned actions – those to be taken on the stream channel, banks and riverside afforestation (ripisylvia). It does not concern actions to be undertaken on hydraulic works (dams, mill dams and sills).  

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