“The Loire in a tizzy”: a day for the public at large

Published on 31 July 2012 - Updated 03 September 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Pays de la Loire Regional Council is organising this special day in Nantes on Saturday 15 September 2012. A whole range of events is scheduled to take place on the banks of the Loire and at the Nantes School of Architecture (Quai F. Mitterrand), including sampling of local products, arts and crafts, short films, mini-conferences, and cycling and boating activities.

The aim is to help visitors get to know the river and the people that bring it to life as it makes its way through the region (from Montsoreau to Saint Nazaire). The Day is organised by the Pays de la Loire region with help from professionals in the fields of tourism, gastronomy and culture. 

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