The Loire à Vélo: 3 new stretches opened

Published on 21 July 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

In June and July 2009, new stretches were opened: the Angers loop of the Loire à Vélo cycling itinerary, Montsoreau-Saumur (along the Loire) and Chaumont-sur-Loire – Rilly.

The Angers loop

This 40km loop offers an alternative route to the paths along the Loire via Les Ponts-de-Cé and Ste Gemmes-sur-Loire.
The east loop sets off from Angers train station through the villages of Saint-Barthélémy-d'Anjou, Trélazé and La Daguenière. It particularly gives you the chance to explore the Slate Quarry in Trélazé. The west loop goes to Bouchemaine along the Maine river.


The final itinerary was officially opened by some forty local representatives on 3 July 2009 with Jacques Auxiette, President of the Pays de la Loire region, during the World Heritage Rendezvous.
It runs alongside the Loire through some lovely undergrowth and above all the villages by the banks of the Loire, including the underground road in the caves at Souzay and the cave village of arts and crafts at Turquant. Until now, the provisional itinerary went up the hillside from Saumur Castle and crossed through the Saumur-Champigny vines.

Cérémonie du ruban


Innovation: Géovélo, the cycling itinerary calculator for the Tours urban area

This website is the brainchild of Tours-born Benoît Grimberg and was created with the help of a computer engineer, Gaël Sauvanet, and the IT lab of Tours University. By entering your departure and arrival addresses, the website works out the best route based on your preferences (shortest or safest route). The route planner specifies if you're taking a cycle path, cycle lane or sharing the road with cars.
This project received funding from the Tour(s)plus urban area community and French Ministry of Ecology.




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