The Loire Valley educational resources bank

Published on 25 October 2011 - Updated 02 September 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

The online educational resources bank, designed and created by Mission Val de Loire, is a new service on offer to teachers for education about the cultural heritage and landscape of the Loire Valley, included on the World Heritage list in 2000. The service brings together all educational resources and offers presented or supplied online, along with details of heritage organisations and institutions active on or in the Loire Valley World Heritage site.

Over 400 products are accessible through a search engine enabling users to find tools by département, level and theme. 

The toolbox also includes a directory and map of actors containing 80 organisations located in the listed area, including those that have no products on offer online. 

The educational resources bank seeks to contribute to bettering knowledge of the network of organisations in the Loire Valley and of the range of existing scholastic products, from nursery school to upper secondary level, with a view to greater appropriation of the heritage features that led to the Loire Valley being included on the World Heritage list as a cultural landscape.  

Information will be updated regularly, and actors are naturally invited to communicate any developments in their products.  

On this website:


Rémi Deleplancque 

Education and Culture Officer 

Mission Val de Loire 

deleplancque (@) 

On this website:



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