The Centre for Architecture, Land and Landscape (Angers) Lecture Series

Published on 26 February 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

Tourist development and innovatory architecture are the subjects chosen for the month of March 2008.

Tuesday 4 March 2008
Carte blanche for… Arnaud TEZE
After a Master’s degree in science and postgraduate work at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Paris (Management School), Arnaud TÉZÉ is taking over the management of the Anjou Departmental Committee for Tourism (CDTA). From having been purely an administrative service a few years ago, the CDTA has been transformed into a real tool for the promotion and development of tourism in Anjou.  

Thursday 20 March 2008
Houses on the water
Véronique WILLEMIN, an architect, a professional photographer and journalist, is the author of 42 works on photography, illustrated children’s books, architecture, town planning and futurology, including Maisons mobiles (‘Mobile Houses’) 2004, Maisons vivantes (‘Living Houses’)2006 and Maisons sur l’eau (‘Houses on the Water’) scheduled for publication in 2008, published by Editions Alternatives.

For further information:
Centre for Architecture, Land and Landscape



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