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  • The 30th anniversary of the RLICC (International Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation) at Louvain in Belgium, from 22 to 25 May

The 30th anniversary of the RLICC (International Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation) at Louvain in Belgium, from 22 to 25 May

Published on 04 May 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

In 2006 the International Raymond Lemaire Centre is celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of its foundation. It is marking the occasion with a forum on ideas and approaches for the future of conservation.

The forum will aim to take stock of the major problems facing our heritage on a global level, “globalisation” of thinking and approaches, the “cultural approaches versus ideology” debate and question about the applicability of various western theories of conservation to different cultural contexts.
The forum will tackle three subjects: “Monuments”, archaeological remains and the urban and natural environment.
International Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation (RLICC)



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