The 2012 results of the “Eco-trophée du Parc” competition

Published on 31 January 2013 - Updated 05 February 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

On Friday 30th November 2012, the Loire Anjou Touraine Regional Natural Park awarded the prizes for the 9th “Eco-trophée” competition which rewards local stakeholders for their innovative approaches or productions blending economic development, social concerns and respect for the environment.

25 candidates were nominated and the winners particularly demonstrated originality, exemplariness and reproducibility in the actions or initiatives presented. 

In the "Energy - Controlling consumption and/or promoting renewable energies" category, first prize went to the company Boireau for the eco-renovation of an 18th century barn into a house. This project made use of traditional expertise (stone, lime and earth) as well as highly effective, healthy and ecological natural insulation techniques (hemp). 

In the "Social innovation and territorial involvement" category, two candidates shared the first prize. The Charrier Massoteau Joint Operating Agricultural Group (GAEC) has diversified its organic vine-growing activity by creating educational courses (from primary school right through to sixth-form college) to raise awareness about the role of biodiversity in farming, which has created a job for an agricultural employee-facilitator. The Reines de Touraine limited liability company (SARL) was rewarded for the development and passing on of a traditional technique for preserving fruit: pears and apples tapées (dried and flattened) in a wood-fire furnace.  




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