Territorial Coherency Plans (SCOT) of the Blois and Saumur regions presented

Published on 23 October 2015 - Updated 05 November 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

A territorial coherency plan (SCOT) is a key prospective urban planning document. It lays out the guidelines and objectives of the policies to be taken in such diverse fields as economic development, spatial planning, environment, large-scale facilities and so on. The Intermunicipal Association of the Blois conurbation and association of the Greater Saumur area have organised exhibitions to present their SCOTs to residents so that the latter can give their opinion on the revision of such plans.

Blois region

The exhibition on the Objectives and Guidelines Document (DOO) was presented throughout September at the head offices of Agglopolys and Grand Chambord. 



Greater Saumur

From 21 September to 26 October 2015, the assessment and key issues of the territorial coherency plan were on display at the Town Halls of Gennes, Doué la Fontaine, Saumur, Longué-Jumelles, and Montreuil Bellay, during their usual opening times 

The exhibition will be followed by public meetings before the year is out on the sustainable development and planning project (PADD): these represent important opportunities for residents to come and find out more and share their views. 





Vue sur le château et son parc, à Châteauneuf-sur-Loire. Licence CC BY-NC-SA Bruno Marmiroli / Mission Val de Loire


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