Symposium on "Travelling along the Loire today, between legacies and new uses"

Published on 26 April 2018 - Updated 05 February 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

On 26, 27 and 28 September 2018, in Tours, Mission Val de Loire and the Centre for Higher Studies in the Renaissance, through the Heritage Intelligence programme, have organised the symposium entitled "Travelling along the Loire today, between legacies and new uses" in partnership with the Centre-Val de Loire Region, Tours métropole Val de Loire, Zone Ateliers Loire network and Universities of Le Mans and Angers. At a time when river tourism is developing and growing in scale, this symposium intends to look at past, present and future ways of travelling along the Loire, from their heritage, natural, environmental, hydrographic, archaeological and touristic points of view.

River tourism has been gaining in popularity ever since the "renaissance" of traditional rivercraft in the late 1980s. An initial landmark symposium was held in 1990, and then in 2000 the Loire Valley was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. These days, it is also possible to talk about riverbank tourism, which combines various modes of green transport with the La Loire à Vélo cycle path. This three-day event is aimed at bringing together different partners to share knowledge of practices as well as training, employment and occupations with a connection with the Loire.  

The video proceedings of the conference are online on the Intelligences des patrimoines website: Video proceedings of the conference   



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