Summary of local authority meetings

Published on 19 December 2013 - Updated 23 April 2020
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

In October and November 2013, the Mission Val de Loire brought together some 150 participants, including representatives of the State, local authorities, associations, and professionals in the fields of territorial, heritage and landscape development, to share their expectations and experiences following this first year of the management plan’s implementation. Four meetings at départemental level helped build a shared culture and identify action priorities.

Each day comprised: 

  • an information period for presentation of
    • the development of the listed site’s new governance
    • the action programme, with
      • actions overseen by the State
      • actions proposed by the Mission Val de Loire in liaison with all Loire Valley actors for guideline IX on “Supporting decision-makers through advice and ongoing facilitation”
  • a discussion period to add to or amend Mission Val de Loire’s proposals
  • a field visit to a project, either completed or underway, initiated by the host local authority (Chécy, Beauce Ligérienne Community of Municipalities, Amboise and Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire)
  • two workshops:
    • a workshop facilitated by the urban-planning agency network (Orléans, Tours and Angers), with presentation of case studies leading to discussion of methodology for “Implementing projects in the Loire Valley”
    • a workshop facilitated by Mission Val de Loire in the context of a feasibility study for a resource centre

These contributions are presented in the summary and are downloadable in full. 

It is on their basis that Mission Val de Loire is currently working to refine the action programme for Guideline IX and related crosscutting actions (communication, networking, etc.). 


It is still possible to share your ideas on the online action programme: 

On this website:



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