Submission of final report on sustainable tourism in Laos

Published on 14 November 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The International Rivers and Heritage Institute was asked by the Regional Office of the French Embassy in Bangkok to carry out a feasibility study on the development of sustainable tourism in the Nam Khan valley (Luang Prabang province, Laos). This project constitutes the tourism component of the Eco-valley project sponsored by the decentralised cooperation agreement between the Centre region and Luang Prabang province.

The conclusions of the feasibility study were presented to the local authorities on 2 August 2007 in the Luang Prabang province offices at a meeting chaired by the Vice Governor. The study was also submitted to the potential funding bodies, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the French Development Agency (FDA), and the Regional Directorate for Cultural Cooperation and Action of the French Embassy in Thailand.

All the partners officially confirmed their interest in this project, which fits perfectly with the national objectives of combating poverty, preserving and promoting natural and cultural resources, and supporting the development of the tourism sector. It is worth recalling that tourism is the main source of foreign currency in Laos.

The potential funding bodies are currently studying the financial proposal for the project produced by the International Rivers and Heritage Institute; the level of financial commitment of each of the funding organisations should be decided by February 2008 at the latest. The project proposal would require less than 2 million dollars (around 1.5 million euros) over a period of 3 years.



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