Start of works at the Saint-Michel Hospices in Chinon

Published on 03 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

These building restoration works entail providing 3200m² of living space in a total of 46 dwellings, with a particular emphasis on social uses. This initiative constitutes an interesting change in use for the built heritage of a heritage protection zone (ZPPAUP). The building thus rediscovers its place in the town and its purpose while also complying with commitments to desegregation and freeing up resources for the local authority.


In collaboration with the partners, the work of architects has focused on interior development in order to preserve as many of the external features of this 17 th century convent as possible. Furthermore, the cloister will be open to the public for the great enjoyment of walkers: the town of Chinon is delighted that its residents will thus have the chance to reclaim part of their heritage.
Thanks to this project, a second element important to the Chinon area, its vines, will soon take back their place on the town's hillsides.
Additional information:
Sustainable development letter no.7 - June 2008



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