Science on the Loire project

Published on 25 August 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 19 ans

Science on the Loire is a project in collaborative working on the theme of the waters of the river Loire. It will involve pupils in some completely new work in the physical sciences, biology and human sciences. It is aimed at pupils in primary school and up to year 10 in secondary schools.

The aims of Science on the Loire:
  • To develop the practice of generating original science within a school setting.
  •  To have the pupils collect data about the ecosystem and evaluate them.
  •  To make pupils aware of the principles of sustainable development.
  •  To carry out a team research project.
  •  To create a network for sharing mutually relevant observations and results.
The project will be made up of three distinct sections: a list of activities which can be mutually relevant, free-choice activities, and a documentary resource base. 
Science on the Loire



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