Saint Martin of Tours European Cultural Centre on the web

Published on 15 June 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The website is a chance to find out more about the character of Saint-Martin, who is known throughout the world for having shared his coat with a pauper, and the heritage associated with him.

The Saint Martin of Tours European Cultural Centre has been based in France since 2005 in the cloisters of La Psalette (Tours, Indre et Loire), which is owned by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

The website promotes the Centre’s activities in a number of areas:
- Heritage, with a database of European heritage associated with Saint Martin of Tours.
This is your chance to find out more about the saint’s extraordinary history and the immense amount of both tangible and intangible heritage dedicated to him in Europe and throughout the world.
- Tourism, with maps of the "Saint Martin walking routes" and associated audio and video content. The aim of the walks is to allow ramblers, tourists and pilgrims to explore a wealth of little-known heritage associated with Saint Martin, including abbeys, churches, fountains, bridges and so on.
- Exchanges, with the establishment, currently underway, of a Scientific Network to support research work related to Saint Martin and/or the religious practices, legends and institutions associated with him.




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