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SPRECOMAH – Seminars on PREventive COnservation and Monitoring of Architectural Heritage

Published on 20 April 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

Two seminars on preventive conservation and monitoring and assessing architectural heritage have been organised as part of the sixth framework programme for technological research and development (PCRDT) instigated by the Research Directorate General of the European Commission.

Preventive conservation consists of identifying the risks of heritage deteriorating, at the earliest opportunity, so that action can be taken to avoid or slow down its negative effects. It relies on monitoring, maintenance, diagnostic and analysis tools and practices.

These seminars are an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share their expertise and experience in these areas, and will bring together a number of European partners led by the Catholic University of Leuven ( Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation) and the International Rivers and Heritage Institute.

The first seminar is taking place in Leuven from 11 to 16 June 2007 and will focus in particular on the Flemish Monumentenwacht initiative.
The second will be held at Fontevraud, in the heart of the Val de Loire, in the spring of 2008.

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