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Royal Abbey of Fontevraud – Breathing more life into an outstanding heritage site

Published on 30 November 2011 - Updated 20 December 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

A workgroup made up of representatives of the Pays de la Loire, Centre and Poitou-Charentes CESERs carried out in-depth deliberations on an overall development project, and came up with recommendations on how to make more of the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud.

Among their recommendations, which can be downloaded online, are: 

  • Clarifying project management
  • Encouraging territorial pride and involvement of partners

In its conclusion, the report states that “any objectives set must be worthy of the Abbey’s renown and its place in history and in the French and international patrimonial landscape. (...) The 3 regions concerned must draw up a common project together in order to maximise enhancement of the site, and invite all partners to involve themselves in their approach. For its part, being the owner, the State will have to position itself clearly in order to fulfil its duty vis-à-vis this national heritage.” 

  • Supporting the development project by clear and coherent programming
  • Consolidating a single cultural and patrimonial project
  • Developing Fontevraud’s tourist appeal
  • Constructing an ambitious educational project
  • Combining research, training, innovation and territorial pride 

A feedback session on the study is planned for Tuesday 10 January 2012 at Fontevraud Abbey. 

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