Restoration and development in towns in the Val de Loire

Published on 03 September 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Amongst the many restoration and Val de Loire urban heritage projects, those in Chinon and Blois stand out this summer.

On the 12 July 2008 , Chinon celebrated the opening of the new the elevator that now links the old town and the new town. This creation, of upmost importance to the town centre, is part of a wider project for urban development kicked off in1989 which aims to revitalise all aspects of the town, most notably commercial and touristic elements.   
The predicted increase in the number of visitors to the Chinon Royal fortress after its renovation is a fantastic opportunity to attract new visitors to the historic and commercial centre. This renovation, supported by the Conseil Général of Indre-et-Loire, aims to return the fortress to its original aspect.
Find out more :
The new council in place in Blois has decided to re-plant33 horse-chestnut trees on the Évéché terraces, which have been bare since the trees were cut down in autumn 1997 for safety reasons. The trees were an integral part of site, listed as a Historic Monument since 1930. The new layout will leave space for the guinguette, an open air dance-café, which is usually set up there during the Tous sur le Pont festival. 
Preparatory work undertaken this summer (the trees were supposed to be planted this winter) uncovered graves containing thirty bodies. A team from the INRAP (National Institute for preventative archaeology research) has analysed the remains, specialists believe they date back to the Middle Ages. The plantation works have been suspended.
Find out more :
La Nouvelle République (Editions: 23/07/2008 , 26/07/2008 and 31/07/2008 )



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