[Fr] Retour en images sur les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire
Les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire patrimoine mondial se sont tenus à Tours le mercredi 20 novembre. Près de 300 personnes se sont déplacées pour...
Published on 30 April 2013 - Updated 16 May 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans
The action plan voted in by the Pays de la Loire Regional Council on 1st February 2013 forms the basis for discussions on the policies to be taken on the river within the Pays de la Loire Region. It was drawn up following on from the Assises régionales de la Loire organised in 2011 and from the consultations with stakeholders in 2012. The work conducted will also make it possible to sketch out the future Loire Plan and our inter-regional collaborative projects.
The regional action plan for the Loire and its estuary encompasses several of the Regional Council's policies (tourism, economy, biodiversity, environment, heritage, culture, etc.) and rounds off the agro-environmental policies.
It is evidence of the Regional Council's determination to ensure:
The Mission Val de Loire is particularly, but not exclusively, involved in two of the actions.
Drawing inspiration from the principles of the Loire Valley World Heritage Management Plan and, for the basics, the guidelines adopted, the objective is to adjust this plan and adapt it to the realities of a Loire downstream of the listed site by factoring in the different landscape realities. The idea is to create a "landscape" heritage. This will help people to understand the Loire landscapes, and therefore to respect them. This initiative stems from how the Loire subject has been understood in the broad sense by local officials and citizens alike.
One of the measures of this action is the UNESCO Chair project led by the Universities of Tours (IMAC OF) and Angers (Geography Department), in partnership with the Mission Val de Loire. It involves universities from Argentina, Brazil, Senegal, Mali and India and is set to last four years. The chair will bring together natural sciences and societies to promote cross-disciplinary studies and training on rivers and river heritages as a heritage for humanity, reservoirs of biodiversity and places of cultural convergence.
Action 2: Support the sustainable economic development of the estuary
Action 3: Support discussions and projects on the whole of the riverbed
Action 4: Make the Loire governance transparent
Action 5: Coordinate existing environmental management tools
Action 6: Look into the feasibility of a territory project on the estuary (north and south banks)
Action 7: Develop a culture of anticipation to tackle risks
Action 9: Bring tourism to the Loire
Action 10: Help citizens to gain a clearer grasp of the Loire
The programme can be downloaded from the Regional Council's website .
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.