Raising young people's awareness of flooding risks

Published on 21 August 2015 - Updated 14 October 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

In partnership with the Centre-Loire Valley Regional Council, the Regional Federation of Maisons de Loire has signed an agreement aimed at raising the awareness of Years 5 to 7 (9-12 year-olds) about flooding risks in Loire municipalities. The aim is to explain how rising water levels in the River Loire work, what impact they have and how they can best be taken on board.

An event over two half-days, already tested last year, will therefore be put on for Year 6 or mixed classes close to the Loire or its main tributaries. This event is free of charge for classes thanks to funding from the Centre-Loire Valley Region, the Etablissement public Loire and the French State (Plan Loire funds). 

The event can be adapted to the local context (school situated in a floodplain, developments of the Valley, etc.) and comprises both a theoretical part and a practical part. 

Two templates have been prepared especially for this module to be shown during the event: 

  • the "hydroLoire" template accurately shows how rising water levels lead to flooding and their impact on the natural and urban landscape
  • the "flooded house" template highlights the notion of damage and resident and habitat vulnerability

Any teachers wishing to sign their class up for this event can get in touch with one of the Federation's 5 structures. 




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