“Promoting Loire Heritage” call for proposals

Published on 29 January 2018 - Updated 16 March 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

The Pays de la Loire Region is launching a “Promoting Heritage” call for proposals in order to support projects which promote and play a part in the transmission of heritage. It is made up of an all-ages section and another for youth in order to enable young people to get to know, appropriate and promote cultural heritage. The first closing dates for entries are 23 February (youth section) and 23 March (all-ages section).

Section 1: all ages

The objectives of the call for proposals: 

  • Enable cultural heritage to play its full role as a social link and tool to open up the local areas,
  • Strengthen the cultural and tourist appeal of Pays de la Loire through its heritage,
  • Support innovative initiatives which contribute to showcasing and promoting regional heritage to the general public, in particular through artistic creation, digital technology development and educational innovation,
  • Support collaborations between public and private stakeholders, including, in particular, heritage sites, artistic teams and venues in the local areas,
  • Promote the professionalisation of facilitators on heritage,
  • Improve the reception of the public at the Loire heritage sites,
  • Encourage discussion on raising awareness and education about heritage.

The call for proposals is aimed at: 

  • Pays de la Loire foundations, associations and worker cooperatives (SCOP),
  • Pays de la Loire public institutions and local authorities,
  • Pays de la Loire employer groups and social and solidarity companies.

Section 2: youth

The aim is to support the development of actions for young people to appropriate tangible or intangible heritage, organised by local authorities and associations. 

The actions targeted will be collective and will involve young people aged between 15 and 30 years old, outside of a school, university or training environment. 

The call for proposals is aimed at: 

  • Pays de la Loire foundations and associations or those with a recurring and duly established activity in Pays de la Loire,
  • Pays de la Loire joint associations, public institutions of inter-municipal cooperation (EPCI), regional authorities,
  • Pays de la Loire Regional Nature Park (PNR) management bodies.

Online: http://www.patrimoine.paysdelaloire.fr/actualites/toutes-les-actualites/detail-de-lactu/actualites/detail/News/lancement-de-lappel-a-projets-valorisation-du-patrimoine-2018/  



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