Progress report on projects in Mali

Published on 19 September 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

A mission to Mali took place from 6 to 13 July 2007.

Its aim was to meet the university partners from Mali in order to take stock of two joint projects:
- Water Facility Project, in particular the training element and its interface with the workshops and pilot schemes
- Project for a UNESCO chair lodged with the French Commission for UNESCO in April 2007

The delegation from the Val de Loire was made up of Vincent Rotgé, Director of International Rivers and Heritag Institute, Daniel Roussel from the Val de Loire Mission, Patrick Gillet and Claire Giraud-Labalte from the UCO (Catholic University of the West), et Corinne Larrue and Benoît Pin from the François Rabelais University.

Our partners from Mali once more showed great interest in these projects. Definitions and scope of the projects for the Mali partners were decided and action plans were defined. In particular, participation by a Malian university in the European Summer School 2008 was envisaged.



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