Partnership for 3 monuments in Touraine

Published on 07 September 2015 - Updated 21 September 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The County Council, which owns the Royal Fortress of Chinon and Musée Balzac in Saché, and the Centre of National Monuments of Château d’Azay-le-Rideau wanted to forge a stronger relationship so as to highlight their complementary, local services with a view to increasing the cultural and tourist appeal of these three sites in West Touraine.

In cultural terms, the hope was to work on jointly producing editorial content, temporary exhibitions and links between the sites on museum and educational projects

In tourist terms, a pricing policy – whereby visitors paying the full admission price for one site can get a discount at the others, and vice versa – has been set up.  




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